Honestly, I've had headaches all week and just finished writing a company newsletter and some press releases at work, so I'm a little tired of writing. So, the timing is perfect that I have the opportunity to introduce my first guest post! The writer, Holly McCarthy, is a freelance writer. Thanks for the contribution, Holly!
Headaches and Water – The Fluid Connection
If you’ve never had a headache in your life, count yourself really lucky, because when one does come on, you literally feel like ripping your head off and putting it aside for just a little while. A headache is not like any other ailment – for one, it’s pretty hard to do anything else when you head feels like it’s about to split into a million pieces; and for another, medication tends to complicate the problem when your headache comes on for no apparent reason. So, if you’ve been suffering from this beastly ailment more often than you care to, you need to take a look at your relationship with water.
Water, you say? Yes, this pure liquid that is indispensable for the continuation of life is also important when you’re trying to keep a headache away. When your body is dehydrated, you’re likely to suffer from a headache. You’re also likely to be stressed out for inexplicable reasons, and because of this, are liable to more headaches. Dehydration is a disadvantage in more ways than one though – it affects your ability to think, and when compounded with a headache, well, you understand the point I’m trying to make.
On an average, an adult requires at least 8 glasses of water every day to stay healthy. Other liquids do not count towards this requirement, especially when they contain sugar or caffeine, because both these substances are diuretics and cause dehydration (and this makes colas pack a double whammy). You must drink water, and only water, although fruit juices that do not contain sugar or other condiments are ok because they bring you the natural vitamins and nutrients that fruits are rich in.
Spending a lot of time in air conditioned offices and rooms can also bring on dehydration as does not drinking enough water. You’re also at risk if your work involves a lot of travel or if you use electromagnetic devices like computers and mobile phones pretty often. Remember, you need to drink water even though you’re not thirsty, because thirst itself is the first sign of dehydration.
So the next time you feel a headache coming on, before you pop a pill or start tearing your hair out in frustration, drink a few glasses of water! You may have just found the perfect cure to an imperfect ailment.
This post was contributed by Holly McCarthy, who writes on the subject of the
sports management college. She invites your feedback at hollymccarthy12 at gmail dot com.