Sunday, March 23, 2008

Med/Head updates

I've been on Bystolic for more than a week and haven't noticed a single side effect! I'm still on a small dose of Lexapro and have mild dry mouth from that, but that's it. However, I haven't noticed an improvement in my headaches. I had a bad sugar headache yesterday from my sister's bridal shower (I can't say no to cake...and chocolate, and punch, and cream puffs, and jelly beans and well you get the idea). Mom said I should get my glucose levels checked so I'll ask my neuro about that. I'm also going to find out more about Sinol, a new nasal spray that helps headaches/migraines mentioned in the comment (thanks Rebeca!) on my last post. If anyone's tried this, please share your experience!

Happy Easter everybody! I'm proud to be a Christian and worship Jesus who died for our sins so we can choose to follow him and live forever in heaven. God gets me through life, and I could not deal with many things - including my headaches - without him. If anyone wants to know more, just ask!